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Pacific Marine Expo Presentation

Nov. 20 1:30-2:30pm


For the first time, real energy audits have been conducted on small commercial fishing vessels in Alaska. The results were incorporated into an“Energy Analysis Tool” to be used by fishermen to help analyze energy usage of all systems onboard and potential savings achieved by making operational or equipment changes.

During Pacific Marine Expo, an expert vessel engineer (Mike Gaffney of Alaris Companies) will be giving a presentation regarding the results of the audits, how they were incorporated into the tool, and how to use the tool to guide decisions regarding energy conservation measures. If you are a small vessel owner, and are interested in speaking to an expert vessel engineer,please attend this Expo conference on Thursday, Nov. 20th from 1:30-2:30pm. This conference is the result of collaboration between AFDF, Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association (ALFA), and Alaska Sea Grant with support from a grant from the Alaska Dept. of Commerce.

Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation Logo.